Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Ultimate Bag Man

A few months ago while in the check out line at my local grocery store, I witnessed what possibly could be the hardest working bag "boy" I had ever seen.  This bag "boy" was not really a boy but a grown man probably in his late 50s. You could tell this man really appreciates his job which really makes me appreciate people like him. For instance, I do not like going to a fast food joint and they take your order, you pay, and then they just hand you your food and shut the little window so fast without saying "thank you" or "come back to see us" or "do you need anything else". But anyways..back to the bag man. This bag man was soo good at his job that he somewhat held the line up. He wasn't finished bagging the groceries by the time I finished paying but I didn't care. He put my hamburger meat in a separate bag and tied they bag handles together so nothing would come out of the bag and put it away from the rest of my groceries. He put all bags neatly organized in the cart according to size and shape as well as what items belonged together. All can goods were bagged separately and tied up as well. When I thought he was finished organizing my cart and I was about to maneuver the cart out of the way, the stopped me and reorganized something that he didn't feel was quite right. It was incredible. But, this isn't the first time I've noticed the ultimate bag man. The other day I went in again for a few items. He once again bagged up everything very neatly and asked me if I found everything in the store okay. Wow! What a great worker! Did I mention he has like 20 gold stars on his name badge?

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