Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Year Anniversary

Recently we celebrated our one year anniversary by revisiting the place we went to on our honeymoon, Pigeon Forge TN. What a wonderful place to be in October. The leaves are changing and it seems like everywhere you turn you see pumpkins. We love it! This past year as a Mrs. has been great! I couldn't have asked for a better husband than my Michael Wayne.  Now I don't want you to think that every second of our first year together has been magical. We've had our moments, well.. basically I've had my moments. I have learned many things during this past year about marriage and just living with opposite sex. For instance, last year when we came home from our honeymoon we had a whole room full of wedding gifts! I'm talking gifts on top of gifts on top of gifts! After we unpacked our luggage and somewhat settled in, we sat down at our dinning room table and started opening the gifts. Basically I let him open the gifts while I wrote down what it was and who it was from. The next day, I started rearranging the house a little and putting things away. Well, my husband decided upon himself to help me put things away (which was so sweet). At first I was a little uneasy about it just because I like to know where everything is and I like for it to have a certain spot. As I watched him go throughout the house putting things away, I felt this overwhelming urge to cry.  Why was I crying you may ask? Well, not only was he putting things away but he was putting them in totally wrong places. For instance, he put a cooking pot on a shelve in our laundry room. I felt like such a bad person because I wanted to stop him from helping me and I didn't know how to tell him that basically I wanted to put the things away myself and I just wanted him to sit down or find something else to do! So when he noticed I was upset and asked me what was wrong, I sat on the couch and told him that basically I wanted to put the gifts away and I thanked him for wanting to help me, but I'll take care of it. He was okay with that and I was glad. My husband is definitely not a lazy man AT ALL and I'm so grateful for that but at times I wish he was lazy. He pretty much always has something running through his head and things he's "gotta" do.  If I ever come home and he's just laying around, I know somethings wrong. Either he's sick or is extremely tired, but laying around for him is rare. I love him for the fact that he isn't lazy and he keeps me going because I can get lazy myself. He still helps me around the house without even having to ask him which is a good thing and I'm grateful for that. I think we are learning more and more about eachother everyday. I honestly can't believe a whole year has gone by and it went by so fast! Many things have changed during the past year for the both of us. We've both gained some post wedding weight (uh!), we've put our townhouse up for sale, Mike Wayne got a promotion at work, and I was recognized at my job as well for outstanding job performance.

Our anniversary day fell on a Sunday this year and I know you are wondering what we did on that special day. I woke up to Michael Wayne coming home from work and about to burst to give me my anniversary present which was a cross necklace from Zales. It's beautiful! He is not one to wait until the day to give someone a gift. One Christmas, I received my Christmas present from him 3 weeks before the day. He gets too excited about buying gifts and HAS to give it to you right then or he will burst into flames! It doesn't matter if he's wrapped it or gives it to you in a grocery bag, he doesnt care as long as he gets to see the joy on your face when you open it. Hehe. Gotta love him! He's not just like this with me, its anyone! And don't mention something you may want oneday because you'll probably get it within the next week or two. He loves buying things for people. I once happened to mention how my dad might like some binoculars for the condo oneday and sure enough, later that day we were out at Dicks shopping for some binoculars. He's such a sweetheart! Okay, back to the day of our anniversary. Well, after I received my gift, we went to walmart to pick up some targets. Why? Because we were going to "the land" to go shoot our guns. He had been planning this little event for weeks. He even had a couple of other guys meeting us out there to shoot their guns as well. What a man fest! It was a pretty day outside and it sure was fun watching the guys with their toys. Michael Wayne also wanted me to shoot both of my guns (yes I have two) so I can get better at aiming. I have to toot my own horn by saying I'm pretty good at target shooting. I do have two guns that my husband has bought me and if you know him, you know he doesn't just have one of anything and I reckon he couldn't just let me have one gun. After we were done target shooting, we went home and got ready for our dinner date. Later on that evening, we cut our cakes from our wedding. Yes, again, we had two to cut. The chocolate one wasn't that good but the yellow cake was really good!  It was such a simple and relaxing day. A great anniversary day. Here are a few pics from that day:


  1. We are so lucky to have such 2 amazing people in our lives. You 2 are so wonderful and perhaps that is why we chose you to be Godparents to our son. :) Colin is also so lucky to have such loving and caring Godparents. Thank you Mike Wayne for loving my very dearest, best friend and thank you Jill for finding someone who makes you so incredibly happy! Cheers to the years to come!

  2. Awe!! Thats so sweet!! We love you three so very much and are so grateful to be Colin's Godparents.
